

So we went to Denver for Christmas and it was so nice to get out of the snow. I think there is a hidden secret about Denver that it isn't as cold as people think. The snow doesn't really stay on the ground and some days it's fairly warm for winter. It is completely better than Idaho, so that was a great break.
The biggest event that happened over our vacation was Skyler getting food poisoning. Christmas night he went to bed feeling sick and at 3am he woke up and bolted out of bed and dropped to the floor at the door. Yes, he didn't make it to the toilet but made it up the wall and door and all over the carpet. I scrubbed that floor and walls and held back my own vomit. Eugh, it was so gross. Poor Skyler was throwing up every hour until 2pm. Luckily, by that night he was feeling better and the next day he was back to normal.
So Maddux has discovered he can make noise, so he is always talking to us. occasionally we can get him to laugh, but every time we pull out our phone to record it he stops. And when we put it away...he begins again. Of course.



Maddux got his immunization shots today. That was loads of fun. He actually didn't do too bad. He just screamed like he was yelling at us that it hurt, then he stopped. I didn't even have to try and stop the crying. Unlike the other night. Good ol' dad was playing airplane with Max and he didn't like that much. He hated it so much that he cried for an hour. I think Skyler doesn't think his fear of falling is a joke anymore since the baby got so mad at him.
Last night it was so cute. I put him in his bassinet, which he is finally starting to really sleep in. It was his bouncy chair for a while, but he seems to be liking to lay down to sleep now and not having to HAVE the vibrations just to stay asleep. Anyway, he is SLOWLY learning to how to keep his binki in his mouth, but at a point last night he didn't want it in anymore, so he reached over and took it out of his mouth and just held it in his hand as he fell asleep. He's growing up! Now if only I could get him to consistently suck his two fingers. Then he could calm himself!



He's getting so big!


ok! I cut my hair! We went to California for Thanksgiving and I couldn't stand my hair anymore, so mom cut it for me! it was fun for everyone to see Maddux because he's getting bigger and more alert. I guess that's a good thing, however, I do miss him sleeping all the time which allowed me to get things done. Right now he's in the stage of wanting to be held and I can't leave the room or else he'll cry and freak out. He likes the TV though. He'll sit and watch it with Daddy. I can't wait until toys entertain him. My back is killing me from the little front pack I carry him around in. Here's some pictures from Thanksgiving and such!



The other day I was finished feeding Maddux and he smiled! Luckily I was able to grab a picture of it before it went away! I just think it is so cute. Today he smiled at me with his eyes open. Unfortunately, I didn't have my phone of a camera near me. Isn't he cute!


Ok, I need some help deciding...Should I cut my hair or not. I altered a photo in photoshop to give some idea of what it would look like. Now, we need to take into consideration that these pictures were taken on a good hair day when I had people here to watch my child while I got ready. Here's a picture of how it looks daily. So I need a vote. I'll probably do it anyway, but I just want to know what you think. Here's a picture of the hair I am thinking I want.



The other night we went to a reception and I dressed Maddux up all cute. He eats all the time and he's getting so big! He can finally fit into 0-3 month old clothes! Yea! Because that is the majority of what I have for him to wear. Before he was born I received an email from the BYU-I Alumni association saying that if we replied with the name of someone who is attending school who is having a baby we could get a free bib. So..I did it. You can't have too many bibs!


So while the whole family was here I decided that I wanted some family pictures. These are some of the results. Maddux was actually really good during picture day...he slept. The whole time, so we don't have any of his eyes open. At least he wasn;t crying though or spitting up!



So everyone has come for the blessing tomorrow. It's totally crazy in the house, but it just feels like home growing up with people constantly in the house. It's a good thing that this town is big enough to have a few hotels! Savannah brought up Maddux's Halloween costume that she made...He was so cute in it and just feel right to sleep. The other night, Skyler carved his pumpkin in the transformer traditional style. Last year was Autobots, this year was decepticons. Nate, Skyler's best friend came up too. We had fun dressing him up for halloween. He went as Quail Man to party with Kadie, Savannah, and Skyler's brother Spencer. Lucky for me, Mom is back to give me some sleep and sty up with the baby. Grandma, I thought you'd like this picture of Skyler and Maddux asleep. Today we took family pictures, so when we get those we'll post them for everyone.



We had our first blow out the other day. I'm so glad he was wrapped in a blanket and I caught it before it soaked through. Then, to top it off, as I was taking him to the changing table, he massively spit up all over his face and up his nose. Poor little guy was falling apart! So we gave him a bath and cleaned him all up, only to have him spit up as he was coming out of the water!
Our friend Brandon came over when mom was here and took some pictures for us of Max. Not very many turned out, so we're going to do it again, but here's a couple that I really liked.



Well mom and Paige left Wed morning. So real life began. Last night he slept for about 3 1/2 hours, then he woke every hour to eat. He has been eating so much the last couple days, especially today. non stop, except to sleep in my arms. Where's grandma?!! So here's some pictures from my phone. this is how he looks majority of the time...they are all after he has eaten!



I changed Maddux's diaper today and as I pulled off his onesie his cord popped right off! He's a real boy now!! ;) He still is so small that he just doesn't fit into anything, so mom, Paige and I went to WalMart and found him a little pant suit and some premie onesies. Still big, but we are going to make it work. So here's a picture of him in his little outfit! (Compliments of Grandpa Anderson.) You can see his little feet...he has his daddy's feet, with grandpa Anderson's gap between his toes.



So after three days in the hospital, the doctor let us leave with a a pharmacy of drugs to dull my pain! The first night home Maddux woke every three hours! Fun! But now he's sleeping better, especially since grandma came to visit. I got everything all ready for her to be my helper at night and he slept! For 6 hours! Then last night night was four...I hope this is going to be a new thing and not just showing off for grandma. Grandma and Paige are having a great time with the baby and totally helping me out. My Aunt Annette drove them up from the SL airport and she stayed for a day. She was amazing and did ALL my laundry! Here are some pictures of the new addition!



So everyone can be excited! He is here! He came at 1:52pm October 1st and weighs 6lbs and 11 oz! Here are some pictures of him. I'm sorry this is short, but the Loritab is kicking in and I'm about to pass out. Real quick though, from the very first contraction to the placenta coming out...about 16 hours. I know. Thank the good Lord for epidurals. I never would have maid it. Maddux is doing well. There was a little worry while he was still inside. His heart rate got low and they couldn't figure out why, so I almost had an emergency c-section. But...they decided to pump me back full of amniotic fluid and it helped! With every contraction the pressure would push on the cord and lower his rate, but then go right back up to normal. So the Doc said, push! we need him out asap! And he's doing great. Breathing and feeding just fine! Enjoy the pictures!