

So last night we tried the ignoring thing to get him to stay asleep. Although i felt like a horrible mother and could hardly stand to hear my child cry....after about 20 minutes he stopped and slept for 7 hours! A record! So we will see how it goes tonight. I hope he starts to get the hint that we are going to UNspoil him and break him out of this bad habit of thinking he can cry or whimper and we will hold him. Here's some recent pictures. The other night he fell asleep on his daddy's lap. It was so cute, I had to take a picture of it! Here are some others I've taken throughout the past couple weeks. Our friends Calvin and Andrea came over one night and Calvin, Maddux's buddy was sitting with him just watching the tube! had to blog this picture!


Jessica said...

Good luck with that! Have you tried swaddling? You've got to get them in there tight...so they don't bust out. It works well for Ellie. She's been sleeping through the night for almost 2 weeks now. It's heavenly!

Louisa said...

aww don't feel badly:) I think you're ready for some sleep! Let me know how that goes!

Anonymous said...

Oh my lands! He hasn't missed any meals, has he?! He's changing so much so fast! I can't wait to see him! He better like his grammy...cause she sure likes him! I'm glad you're letting him do a bit of crying, 'cause he's going to be just fine.
Love, Mom