

So I went to the doctors yesterday and had my gestational diabetes test. The drink was like cool-aid on steroids. The kind a little kid makes, with ten cups of sugar. I guess it could have been worse. After they took my blood, my doctor gave me an ultrasound. It was so cool to see Maddux look more like a normal baby! If you can tell in the pictures, he appears to have GIANT lips. It's kind of funny. Poor kid looks to have my nose, but maybe he'll grow into it and it won't be as big. Since Skyler couldn't be there, Doctor Watson thought he would give Skyler a picture of the baby's manhood. So we can all be sure it really is a boy. If it's not...poor girl. Here's the latest picture of the belly growth. I finally broke down and bought some maternity shorts. I've been holding out, but my normal jeans are a pain when I have to pee.

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