There is only ONE downside to the new apartment: ONE BATHROOM! BUT, there are so many good things that I will deal with it! It's really great because they pay for our cable, give us a garage, and have front door trash pick up!(Skyler loves that one) AND, it is cheaper than our apt now! We are also moving back into his home stake and into the ward of our good friends, The Smith's. However, he is the Bishop, so I highly doubt we will be able to hide from callings or speaking! ;o)
Here are some pictures from the apartment's website. You can get an Idea of the inside.

I don't think I will have them put red on the wall. My friend gave me the idea to paint the wall around the fireplace and leave the fireplace wall white. I think I like that...

I am having a hard time packing because all I can think about is how I am going to decorate this place. My friend Karen,, is so stinking creative and her house has so many good ideas that she has inspired me to be more crafty. I can't wait for garage sale season to see if I can find some hidden jems to add to my house. I figure this move will be the perfect opportunity to revamp my little place of living, whether Skyler likes it or not! I figure, I am the one here all day, so I might as well LOVE it! ;o)
Some update...Skyler's business is going REALLY well. I feel very blessed to have found a man that is motivated, passionate and determined to support his family. He loves his work and we are finding out everyday that it really is more about who you know rather than what you know. Seriously, his business is doing so well because he knows SO MANY people and those people refer others to him and so on. We are very blessed and can only pray that this continues. This is crazy, he is getting so much work that he went through BYU-IDAHO and got an intern for the summer! I'm not sure when she starts, but I'm just glad has someone to help, because I have enough to do as it is!
Anyway, I will update once the new place is all set up!
That is so EXCITING! Good luck with the move--and decorating is so fun. Try goodwill and thrift stores for fun finds too! And it's always amazing what you can do with a can of spray paint.
I can't believe how cheap your place is and how nice it is. It is crazy what you can get when you are not in LA. We are paying more than double your rent for a two bedroom one bathroom place that is super old. Oh well one day we will move away. Your place looks soo cute and that's awesome that Skyler's business is doing so well!
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