

So, today Maddux decided he would crawl for real! And I got it on video. He has mastered the army crawl and is so quick and strong. He pushed over the stroller! This kid is unreal. He has THE strongest grip and legs. He's now pulling himself up and crawls all over the house. He's seven months old and I can hardly keep up. The future will keep me skinny!
He's now babbling ALL the time! I wish i could get video of it, but every time I try he stops and just stares at me. He screams and yells just so he can hear his voice. He will even try to mimic us when we yell with him or growl. It's so cute!
I got him this new bath tub in the shape of a duck. It's great because he LOVES the bath and it's small enough that I don't really have to worry about him falling over in the water.
I think he's getting more teeth in because lately he's been drooling non stop buckets. So we'll see when his next ones come in. I think I can see two little white spots on his lower gums on each side of his teeth.
Man they grow so fast! Next thing I know it'll be kindergarten and then graduation! Where does the time go? I can hardly even remember him being a newborn and it wasn't that long ago! He acts more like a toddler now than a baby!
P.S. Skyler thinks is funny to hold him in the air, so does Maddux! Do you see his snotty nose? That is how he looks everyday and hates me when I wipe it! i just had to capture it the grossness! The Twizzlers made the car ride so much more bearable..and he LOVED it!

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