

Ok, I need some help deciding...Should I cut my hair or not. I altered a photo in photoshop to give some idea of what it would look like. Now, we need to take into consideration that these pictures were taken on a good hair day when I had people here to watch my child while I got ready. Here's a picture of how it looks daily. So I need a vote. I'll probably do it anyway, but I just want to know what you think. Here's a picture of the hair I am thinking I want.


Anonymous said...

Well remember that if you cut it that short you may not be able to put it up in a ponytail. I like that haircut a lot but I would suggest you have it a little longer so that you can put it up - like when you are changing millions of diapers!! haha

Anonymous said...

i love the short hair cut BUT in my opinion short hair require at least for me more time in styling it and bla bla bla! plus i think you look really cute with long hair! :)

Harris Family said...

I vote for you to cut it!

cory and tara said...

I like the short cut but it's true you wouldn't be able to pull it up anymore. (That's the problem with mine right now.) But just buy some cute hats and wear those instead of a ponytail on non-getting-ready days. So my vote is for cutting it! Besides I think there's some unwritten rule that says you chop your hair off right after having a baby. I don't know why but it seems like everyone does. :)
p.s. I saw your comment on Cristina's blog about me sending you needing an invite to my blog. I sent you one but I'm not sure it went through because I also tried to email you and it came bck to me. So send me an email with your address at Taralyners@yahoo.com., Love you girl!

cory and tara said...

Oh my gosh...I just re-read my comment above. HELLO! Am I typing too fast or just a babbling idiot?! Hope you got the idea...

Nick and Cristina Anderson said...

Hahaha Tara you crack me up! Ok... I think you should cut it. You look so cute with short hair! But everyone else is right! You will have to do it a lot more, but it will take like what, 2 seconds! My vote it yes!

Shannon said...

Oh! I think you should do it! It looks so cute! And I just cut mine so short too, and I like that it forces me to do my hair, b/c I just feel better then when I would throw it up in a bun every day! And excellent photoshop work btw!

Anonymous said...

i think you went on to that website liar!! but you definitely have to cut it. shorter hair is so much easier to deal with it used to take me hours to curl my hair now it takes at the most 15 when i want it to look a certain way. i can't wait for thanksgiving to see my favorite little boy!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it looks good both ways, but keep in mind a month after you cut it, your going to wish you never did! At least thats been my experience with people and short hair! But do what you want, it looks good both ways!

Anonymous said...

I vote keep it long. I love you and obviously you want to cut it because you wouldn't post this if you didnt want to, but I am not just going to vote to cut it because you think you want to right now and because it's a cute due. I vote keep it long and if you need a change find a different long due to start using, because I am still wishing I had long hair again after cutting it like Jenny McCarthy. Cute due, but I wish I had just changed up my long due instead of chopping it. I know I will lose this vote lol, but I still had to vote long ;) *muah*

Brooke and Kris G said...

I love it long!