

So tonight after dinner Maddux saw the oreos on the counter and...well I thought I'd be a fun mommy and the pictures explain it all. You can even see his top teeth if you look close! He has been making this face all the time now too, opening his mouth!
I almost forgot the BEST part of tonight! He pooped in the tub for the first time! At least it was solid! ;) He was just standing at the faucet, a little fart out of his cute bum, and then it came before I even knew what was happening! But...a little Clorox for the tub, a little wipe of the bum and we were good!
Then our friends Calvin, Andrea and Madi came over. So we had to get pictures with the two kids. Maddux seems to be very fascinated by little Madison. When she cries and makes any noise. He keeps wanting her eyes and laughs every time he touches her arm. It's adorable.


Meagan said...

Adorable! He's got the most beautiful eyes ever!

Jessica said...

Isn't it crazy to think out babies were EVER that tiny? She's so cute!

Nick and Cristina Anderson said...

Seriously the best eyelashes EVER! I love the poop story... One time I took off Spencers diaper not knowing there was a turd stuck between his butt cheeks and it fell out on the ground and I stepped on it. On that note, WE MISS YA'LLS! (did you like that? the ya'lls part... I did that for you) :)

Rachael and Clay Anderson said...

Ah, poop in the tub. What memories. The best was when Connor was in the shower with Clay and pooped on his feet! Clay was not impressed, but I laughed my butt off!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, that won't be your last poop story. You're just gettin goin!
Love, Mom