

So Maddux is working on sitting up, but I wonder if he's going to crawl before he can completely sit up. I makes his way across the floor all the time. It's so crazy to see him move like that because it was just the other day that he was born, right? Anyway, we love to watch him try to get his toys when he's on the floor. So I got this on video. He's been on the floor for a while and it was later at night, so I think he was a bit tired because...well, you have to watch it. It's pretty cute. And the pictures, I had to put up because he's adorable, but then...I am his mother and a bit biased!


Unknown said...

OK- how do I get Daxon to want to be on his belly like that?!! I swear the kid will never crawl! All he wants to do is sit and stand. He HATES being on his belly!

Unknown said...

He's changed so much. I could be wrong, but he is starting to resemble your husband a lil more in these pics.