

We found an APARTMENT! This is great news to me because I have been searching the last month and a half for that perfect deal! Funny thing is, I found these apartments at the beginning of my search, but didn't check them out until a week ago. However, I suppose if I found them first, I would not have jumped on it so quick because I would have wanted to keep looking. I did find some other places that I loved more, but this place has the location we need and a wonderful price. Plus, it's in the air that there is a possibility Quizno's will hire Skyler as a full time employee rather than a contract employee. If that happens we are leaving the apartment life and heading to a house!
Well it has been pretty hot here. It's funny because growing up in California it was always hot, so high 90's was normal. But high 90's and low 100's in the mile high city, a lot closer to the sun than Sacramento...there is a difference. I mean, I can lay out side for about 20 minutes and come inside a lobster. So, to cool off...Maddux got to play in the little kiddie pool the neighbor's let us use. So here are some pictures. He obviously was having a blast.
The other pictures are from a graduation party here for a friend of ours. Maddux found his old football helmet and didn't want to take it off.